State Plan Development Resource
Guidance for Developing the 2022-2026 Five Year State Plan

The State Plan Development Resource was created to assist DD Councils in developing the 5­ year State Plan. It is organized to guide DD Councils through a strategic planning process tied to the requirements in the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (PL 106-402) (the DD Act).
This document has been compiled from a variety of sources, including the DD Act and information ITACC has gathered from State/Territory DD Councils on a variety of topics related to State Plan development. The information is a reflection of methods and ideas that DD Councils throughout the network have found successful. This document is not intended to be
prescriptive. Each DD Council is required to work within their State/Territory structure and must adapt the process to local requirements.

Throughout the process for developing the State Plan, DD Councils should keep in mind three
key concepts:

Click to open the Development Guide for the State Plan.