2024 Financial Guide
Introduction This resource is intended to serve as a reference tool and guide for fiscal managers, executive directors, and others responsible for the administration and fiscal management of federal allotments…
DetailsInformation and Technical Assistance Center (ITACC)
Introduction This resource is intended to serve as a reference tool and guide for fiscal managers, executive directors, and others responsible for the administration and fiscal management of federal allotments…
DetailsFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DD Councils: Expanding Disabilities Network’s (DD Councils) Access to COVID19 Vaccines (Version 1.0 Date 4/14/21) The Administration for Community Living (ACL) announced a new funding opportunity of…
DetailsPresentation topics include: Program Overview, Notice of Award (NoA) and Project Period, Key Program Requirements, Financial Reporting (FFR/SF-425) and Closeout, Cost Allowability, and Grant Management Best Practices. Fiscal Requirements and…
DetailsThis presentation was provided as part of the 2024 OIDD Training and Technical Assistance Institute. Topics include: Program Overview, Notice of Award (NoA) and Project Period, Key Program Requirements, Financial…
DetailsFormula background and details are provided in this one-pager. Click here to download the Formula one-pager.
DetailsThis resource can be used as a training resource to further understanding about the Council budget. The following areas are covered: What is a budget? How is it developed? and…
DetailsInformation about the purpose and role of the designated state agency is presented. Required responsibilities, memorandum of understanding with the Council and periodic review is included. This resource is in…
DetailsClick to visit ALC.gov website for guidance and information memorandums.
Staff from the Office of Financial Operatons within the Administration for Community Living presented inforamtion about the Notice of Award, Stevens Amendment requirements, Financial Reporting, budget period vs. project period,…
DetailsAdministration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Information Memorandum AIDD IM-15-1 Formula Grants Issued July 28, 2015 Subject: Formula Grants for Fiscal Year 2016 ACL.gov link to access the memo