Final Rule Implementing the DD Act of 2000

Sec. III. Discussion of Final Rule

Many provisions of the DD Act specifically require grantees to engage in such activities as advocacy, capacity building, and/or systems change activities(sections 101(b)(1); 104(a)(3)(D)(ii)(I-III); 121(1); 124(c)(4); 124(c)(4)(L); 125(c)(2); 143(a)(2)(A)(i); 161(2)).

Preamble discusses distinction between lobbying and educational activities included in the statute. 2015 Rule supports and clarifies the law’s requirements for DD Council

Sec. 1385.1 General.
Except as specified in Sec. 1385.4, the requirements in this part are applicable to the following programs and projects:
(a) Federal Assistance to State Developmental Disabilities Councils;
(b) Protection and Advocacy of the Rights of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities;
(c)Projects of National Significance; and
(d) University Affiliated Programs (UAPs).

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