Welcome to the Information and Technical Assistance Center (ITACC)

Information and resources for people serving in the role as DD Council members, Council staff, and Council Executive Directors are available to help in your work with your State/Territory DD Council. Training and technical assistance efforts feature knowledge development and sharing, a focus on collaboration, and using evidence-based practices and principles of diversity, cultural and linguistic competency, inclusion, and equity.


Executive Directors

Information, Training, and Resources for operating a Council, implementing the plan and more. (Click to view resources)


Council Members

Information, Training and Resources for members of governance for a DD Council. (Click to view resources)


Council Staff

Information, Training and Resources for implementing a DD Council program and 5-year plan. (Click to view resources)

Upcoming Events
Council Success Stories

Council Success Stories is an up-to-date collection of successful projects and practices (by topical areas) highlighting outcomes and impacts from the efforts and work of the DD Council network.

Council Success Stories include emerging and promising practices being adopted by DD Councils.  Emerging practices are strategies, activities, or approaches that are new or innovative and hold promise based on data showing positive outcomes that is not research based and promising practices show impact on a population of focus with evidence to show the practice is effective in achieving positive outcomes.

The searchable collection of Council Success Stories provides DD Council staff and members, partners, policymakers, and others with information and resources to explore, build upon, and share impactful and effective practices from the developmental disabilities field.

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