Webinar and P2P: Urgent Succession Planning
Do you have a plan for unexpected staff interruptions? Have you considered how Council program operations will continue if something unexpected occurs? What about Council member leadership? Do you actively plan and nurture members to continue growing in their leadership roles? Join us to explore these topics and get ideas from your peers. Register for…
OIDD T/TA Institute: ACL Updates
Session description: Leadership and staff from the Administration for Community Living, Administration on Disabilities, Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities will share information about federal agency initiatives and updates. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: HCBS: Exploring Engagement Strategies
Session description: Attendees will hear about the work and findings to date on home and community-based settings final rule. Council engagement strategies will be explored and highlighted. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: Board Inclusion/Beyond Tokenism
Session description: This session features large group presentations and small group discussions. Attendees will hear about five best practices to enhance the capacity of organizations to have self-advocates as effective members of their Councils, boards, a policy-making bodies. Small group discussions will be led by people with developmental disabilities. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: Recruiting, Equipping, and Engaging Council Members
Session description: Attendees will explore inclusive outreach and recruitment strategies, ways to prepare people to effectively serve on the Council, and strategies to engage members in Council work. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: Leadership for Every Generation
Session description: Attendees will hear from Kristin Scroggin, a nationally known researcher and speaker on generational differences. This session will focus on generational preferences on how different generations like to lead and be led. Generational preferences on training, feedback, communication mediums, and communication styles will be shared. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: Let’s Talk About It! How generational preferences impact Council projects
Session description: This session provides attendees an opportunity to discuss how Councils can use the information on generational preferences to influence Council projects, self-advocacy efforts, and Council member engagement. Breakout rooms will be facilitated by the Institute Planning Committee members. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: Including People and Expanding Access through Accessible Language
Session description: Attendees will explore strategies and learn about resources to inform language access efforts. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: Multi-Partner Evaluation Engagement
Session description: Do you want to know more about how to engage multiple partners in your Council evaluation process? If so, this session is for you! Institute Registration
Webinar: Annual Work Plan Development (FFY 24 and 25) and State Plan Updates
Register to attend "Developing Annual Work Plans and State plan updates"
TA Office Hours: Annual Work plans, state plan updates
Zoom link to be provided.
ACL Office of Fiscal Operations Webinar
DD Council Directors, The Administration for Community Living, Office of Fiscal Operations will hold a webinar on June 27th at 2pm ET to share important information with grantees. Council Executive Directors, Council staff with fiscal responsibilities, and Designated State Agency staff overseeing or conducting fiscal responsibilities for the Council’s award are highly encouraged to attend.…