OIDD T/TA Institute: Including People and Expanding Access through Accessible Language
Session description: Attendees will explore strategies and learn about resources to inform language access efforts. Institute Registration
Information and Technical Assistance Center (ITACC)
Session description: Attendees will explore strategies and learn about resources to inform language access efforts. Institute Registration
Session description: Do you want to know more about how to engage multiple partners in your Council evaluation process? If so, this session is for you! Institute Registration
Register to attend "Developing Annual Work Plans and State plan updates"
Zoom link to be provided.
DD Council Directors, The Administration for Community Living, Office of Fiscal Operations will hold a webinar on June 27th at 2pm ET to share important information with grantees. Council Executive Directors, Council staff with fiscal responsibilities, and Designated State Agency staff overseeing or conducting fiscal responsibilities for the Council’s award are highly encouraged to attend.…
Zoom link to be provided.
Annual work plan questions, answers, and helpful hints from peers will be provided. A link will be sent the week of the meeting.
This roundtable discussion will focus on fiscal topics for minimum allotment and lower Council staff. Topics will be gathered from Councils prior to the event.
In-person training in Orlando, Florida.
In-person training will be provided to those serving in the role as Chair for their Council. Executive Directors are invited to join for the afternoon session. Registration information will be provided.
Annual work plan questions, answers, and helpful hints from peers will be provided. A link will be sent the week of the meeting.
What is due? Annual work plans for FFY 2024 and FFY 2025 (all Councils) State plan updates (projected budget for FFY 2024 and other updates) State plan amendments (changes to goals and 45-day public comment period requirement)
BUDDIES (Building Utilization-focused Developmental Disabilities Impact Evaluation Skills Project) Session 4 – Topic: Evaluation frameworks that may help Councils assess policy, advocacy, and community work with TWO case presentations from Councils to chat about their evaluation activities. To register for the session please complete a brief form. Partnerships For Health will follow up prior to…
Topic: Strategies to Calculate Recipient Share (Match) to prepare FFR Remarks REGISTER
Instructions: FY22 No Cost Extension Request Requirements There is an opportunity to request a no cost extension (NCE) of the FY22 grant award. In 2023, ACL is working to reestablish grant norms, which includes any NCE request be reviewed in line with the 45 CFR 75 308(d)(2). Councils seeking a NCE must provide a clear…
TOPIC: Open Meetings and Strategies for Keeping Council business public. Who should attend? Council Chairs, Vice-Chairs. REGISTER
Topic: Program Performance Report Overview Registration information