Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Meeting
Effective Strategies for developing Council Annual reports and information dissemination for the public. Register for the 1/25 P2P here
Information and Technical Assistance Center (ITACC)
Effective Strategies for developing Council Annual reports and information dissemination for the public. Register for the 1/25 P2P here
Information and resources to improve messaging, show respect, and reinforce strength-based messaging principles. Register to attend the Equitable Language information meeting
Session 2 will focus on Evaluative Thinking and how thinking with an evaluation mindset can add value to your work. We will also have a case presentation from Maine and you’ll be invited to share your thoughts and perspectives! Register for BUDDIES Project Session 2. Partnerships For Health will follow up prior to the session…
Sustaining Investments: People and Products. Discussion will focus on post-training engagement strategies for advocates and a problem-solving discussion around product sustainability - what to consider when determining how products like websites, resource guides, curriculums should be sustained after Council funding ends. Register for the March P2P!
Do you have a plan for unexpected staff interruptions? Have you considered how Council program operations will continue if something unexpected occurs? What about Council member leadership? Do you actively plan and nurture members to continue growing in their leadership roles? Join us to explore these topics and get ideas from your peers. Register for…
Session description: Leadership and staff from the Administration for Community Living, Administration on Disabilities, Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities will share information about federal agency initiatives and updates. Institute Registration
Session description: Attendees will hear about the work and findings to date on home and community-based settings final rule. Council engagement strategies will be explored and highlighted. Institute Registration
Session description: This session features large group presentations and small group discussions. Attendees will hear about five best practices to enhance the capacity of organizations to have self-advocates as effective members of their Councils, boards, a policy-making bodies. Small group discussions will be led by people with developmental disabilities. Institute Registration
Session description: Attendees will explore inclusive outreach and recruitment strategies, ways to prepare people to effectively serve on the Council, and strategies to engage members in Council work. Institute Registration
Session description: Attendees will hear from Kristin Scroggin, a nationally known researcher and speaker on generational differences. This session will focus on generational preferences on how different generations like to lead and be led. Generational preferences on training, feedback, communication mediums, and communication styles will be shared. Institute Registration
Session description: This session provides attendees an opportunity to discuss how Councils can use the information on generational preferences to influence Council projects, self-advocacy efforts, and Council member engagement. Breakout rooms will be facilitated by the Institute Planning Committee members. Institute Registration
Session description: Attendees will explore strategies and learn about resources to inform language access efforts. Institute Registration
Session description: Do you want to know more about how to engage multiple partners in your Council evaluation process? If so, this session is for you! Institute Registration
Register to attend "Developing Annual Work Plans and State plan updates"
Zoom link to be provided.
DD Council Directors, The Administration for Community Living, Office of Fiscal Operations will hold a webinar on June 27th at 2pm ET to share important information with grantees. Council Executive Directors, Council staff with fiscal responsibilities, and Designated State Agency staff overseeing or conducting fiscal responsibilities for the Council’s award are highly encouraged to attend.…
Zoom link to be provided.
Annual work plan questions, answers, and helpful hints from peers will be provided. A link will be sent the week of the meeting.
This roundtable discussion will focus on fiscal topics for minimum allotment and lower Council staff. Topics will be gathered from Councils prior to the event.
In-person training in Orlando, Florida.
In-person training will be provided to those serving in the role as Chair for their Council. Executive Directors are invited to join for the afternoon session. Registration information will be provided.
Annual work plan questions, answers, and helpful hints from peers will be provided. A link will be sent the week of the meeting.
What is due? Annual work plans for FFY 2024 and FFY 2025 (all Councils) State plan updates (projected budget for FFY 2024 and other updates) State plan amendments (changes to goals and 45-day public comment period requirement)
BUDDIES (Building Utilization-focused Developmental Disabilities Impact Evaluation Skills Project) Session 4 – Topic: Evaluation frameworks that may help Councils assess policy, advocacy, and community work with TWO case presentations from Councils to chat about their evaluation activities. To register for the session please complete a brief form. Partnerships For Health will follow up prior to…
Topic: Strategies to Calculate Recipient Share (Match) to prepare FFR Remarks REGISTER
Instructions: FY22 No Cost Extension Request Requirements There is an opportunity to request a no cost extension (NCE) of the FY22 grant award. In 2023, ACL is working to reestablish grant norms, which includes any NCE request be reviewed in line with the 45 CFR 75 308(d)(2). Councils seeking a NCE must provide a clear…
TOPIC: Open Meetings and Strategies for Keeping Council business public. Who should attend? Council Chairs, Vice-Chairs. REGISTER
Topic: Program Performance Report Overview Registration information
Want some ideas on how to bring the community into your evaluation work? Who: All Council staff! When: Thursday, October 19 from 3:00 – 4:30PM EST Where: Virtual, via Zoom How: Register now!
Focus will be on Section I. Identification, Section II. Comprehensive Review and Analysis Update, and Section III. State Plan Implementation. Zoom link will be shared on the ITACC listserv the Wednesday prior to the Friday TA Office Hours Session.
Public Health Workforce Reporting If your Council accepted public health workforce funding, the initial report on the use of these funds is due to your OIDD Program Specialist by October 31, 2023. The first interim report will cover the period from March 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023. Councils will report on three items using the spreadsheet below:…
Focusing on Section IV. State Plan Implementation Progress Report narratives. Zoom link will be shared on the ITACC listserv the Wednesday prior to the Friday TA Office Hours Session.
Join us as we discuss some of the ACL TA Centers that may be helpful with your state plan implementation. Register here:
Focusing on Section IV. State Plan Implementation data sections (IV.B. and IV.C.) Zoom link will be shared on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the Friday TA Office Hours Session.
Focusing on Section V. Council Financial Information and Section VI. Measures of Collaboration. Zoom link will be shared on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the Friday TA Office Hours Session.
Curious about the differences between internal and external evaluation? Want to learn more about each process and navigating your way through either type of evaluation? You won’t want to miss the December BUDDIES Session with Partnerships For Health! Register now for the last session of 2023! Who: Any and all Council staff! When: Thursday, December…
Focusing on all sections - bring your questions! Zoom link will be shared on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the Friday TA Office Hours Session.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) In compliance with Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, Councils will begin reporting SOGI data for FY23. We recognize it may be difficult for Councils to fully capture data for this fiscal year since we are approaching the last quarter,…
Currently, there are 26 DD Councils under a No Cost Extension to conduct CDC COVID-19 activities after September 30, 2022. For those Councils, we are requesting a report for the period from April 1, 2021 – September 30, 2023. Please build on the existing data submitted previously for a final report (cumulative data for the whole project). As a reminder, the…
This Peer-to-Peer is for the data collectors! Let's exchange information about how to improve data collection and what prevents Councils and Sub-grantees from collecting data. Register
Executive Directors - join State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for an informative webinar about Enhancing Data Literacy! *Please note that there will be a webinar with State of the States in March 2024 for all staff to attend. The State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Ongoing Longitudinal Data…
Ever wonder what types of evaluation should be used for your projects and activities? Have you questioned if your evaluation approaches are a "best fit" for your activity? Join PFH as they provide an overview of the primary types of evaluations and explore their utility and how they can add value to a Council’s work. This session…
Exchange information with your data collection peers. We'll discuss collecting quantitative data with a focus on counting participants and reporting on the federal performance measures. REGISTER
The last peer-to-peer in the data collection series. Join your peers to exchange information on data management tools that your Council uses to collect and analyze data. Registration link
Join the State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for an informative webinar on enhancing data literacy. This webinar is for all staff to attend. The State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Ongoing Longitudinal Data Project of National Significance (PNS) is partnering with the ITACC to develop a special training…
Did you know – study designs are like the master chefs of evaluation - blending the perfect ingredients of methodology to serve up a delicious dish of data-driven insights! Join Partnerships For Health for the April BUDDIES Session to cook up some different ways to design an evaluation. We’ll cover the three basic types of…
Join us for Session 1 - ACL Updates. Click here for full session description and registration.
Join us for Session 2: Administration for Community Living, Office of Fiscal Operations. Click here for a full session description and registration information.
Join State of the States staff as they answer your questions about their data and how you can best use the State of the States data in your work. These office hours are intended for Council staff only. Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 Time: 1 pm EST - 2 pm EST Registration Link: Click Here…
Join us for Session 3 - Culturally and Linguistically Competent Strategies to Engage Diverse Communities: Implications for Developmental Disabilities Councils Click here for a full session description and registration information.
Join us for Session 4: Leading Engagement: Council Strategies for Engaging Diverse Communities and Backgrounds. Click here for a full session description and registration information.
Join us for Session 5: Leadership Development: Investing and Enhancing Council Member Leadership Skills. Click here for a full session description and registration information.
Join us for Session 6: Leadership and People with Developmental Disabilities: Supporting the Journey of Developing Leaders. Click here for a full session description and registration information.
Join us for Session 7: WE Amplified: Maximizing Influence for Collective Success. Click here for a full session description and registration information.
Join us for Session 8: Leading through Key Leadership Transitions: Before, During, and After. Click here for a full session description and registration information.
State and Territory 5-Year Plan Updates are required annually. The update process has been changed, so join us to hear about the changes, new due dates, and requirements for the report. Register Here!
Zoom link will be sent out on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled Friday session.
Zoom link will be sent out on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled Friday session.
Zoom link will be sent out on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled Friday session.
The Verity system will open on May 29, 2024 for Council staff to update or amend their 5-year plan. Please contact your assigned Project Officer BEFORE beginning the amendment process. Updates or Amendments are due no later than June 21, 2024. OIDD Project Officers will review and approve State Plan Updates and Amendments from June…
Join us for this overview of the requirements for developing the FFY 2026 Annual Work Plan, and updating the FFY 2025 Work Plan. Registration Information
Zoom link will be sent out on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled Friday session.
Updates to the FFY 2025 Annual Work Plan can be made. Develop the FFY 2026 Annual Work Plan.
Zoom link will be sent out on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled Friday session.
This workshop with activities to boost engagement and learning is for Council staff who manage key aspects of Council Projects. A project life-cycle approach is used to explore strategies to support projects to succeed through planning and timing, and the art of developing competitive bid announcements. The 4 Cs of project management will be featured…
This briefing is for Council staff and Council members who lead State or Territory Plan development. Essential information about the 5-year strategic planning process will be shared. Focused attention on creating a development timeline, Council member engagement, realistic planning with given resources, and current work moving forward will be included. Registration is available through the…
This briefing is for Council staff and Council members who lead State or Territory Plan development. Essential information about the 5-year strategic planning process will be shared. Focused attention on creating a development timeline, Council member engagement, realistic planning with given resources, and current work moving forward. Register in advance for this meeting After registering,…
Zoom link will be sent out on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled Friday session.
Zoom link will be sent out on the ITACC listserv on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled Friday session.
FFY 2025 and 2026 Annual Work plans are due. Submit in the Verity System.
Executive Directors - join State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for an informative webinar about Data Literacy: Using Data to Support Advocacy and Systems Change Efforts! * Please note that this webinar is for Directors only. The State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Ongoing Longitudinal Data Project of National…
Join ITACC and your peers across the network to share information on how your Council is meeting the self-advocacy requirements. This peer-to-peer series is intended for Council staff that oversee self-advocate activities. Register here!
Submit your request with the required information and signed by your authorized representative to your assigned OIDD Project Officer for review and approval.
Thursday’s Program Performance Report (PPR) webinar has been canceled. We will be in touch soon with rescheduling details. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Surveys, focus groups, interviews, and more! Join us for the September BUDDIES Session focused on all different types of data collection. We’ll talk about different methods, best times to use each, and various options and considerations across the approaches. Don’t miss out on the session to learn how you can revamp some of your traditional…
ITACC staff will review their observations about the reporting of PPR data and engage participants in the discussion of items for potential inclusion into a "PPR Quality Assurance Checklist for Data elements". Register Here!
Topic: Boosting Engagement During Council Meetings Join us on November 14, 2024, from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Eastern time for information, ideas, and discussion with peers about enhancing the effectiveness of your Council meetings and keeping everyone focused on why you are there and what you are working towards. Who should attend? Council members who…
How can DD Council Staff support the data literacy of Council members? The State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Ongoing Longitudinal Data Project of National Significance (PNS) is partnering with the ITACC to develop a special training series focused on understanding national I/DD data, enhancing data literacy, improving data accessibility, and using…
Details for SOGI report