Review Tool for PPR (Program Performance Report)
These documents capture the view of required elements for a Council Program Performance Report (PPR). Council staff can use the tools to self-evaluate their annual PPR prior to submission as…
DetailsInformation and Technical Assistance Center (ITACC)
These documents capture the view of required elements for a Council Program Performance Report (PPR). Council staff can use the tools to self-evaluate their annual PPR prior to submission as…
DetailsEach year all DD Councils must either update or amend their 5-Year Plan. This document provides basic information for updating or amending a DD Council 5-Year plan and includes information…
DetailsAdministration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) Information Memorandum AIDD IM-15-1 Formula Grants Issued July 28, 2015 Subject: Formula Grants for Fiscal Year 2016 link to access the memo
DetailsLinking the 5-year plan, logic model and annual work plan There are three primary program planning tools – the 5–year State plan, the logic model, and the annual work plan.…
DetailsGuidance for Administration on Disabilities Grantees is provided to report on any of the service activities allowed with CDC Vaccine funding. Click here to access the CDC vaccine funds reporting…
DetailsFFY 2022 – 2027 Calendar for Federal Reporting. Updated 1/31/2025
DetailsInformation to assist on FFY 2025 Annual Work Plan Updates and FFY 2026 Annual Work Plan Development Power Point slides: Annual Work Plans FFY 25 and 26 Webinar recording
DetailsFillable word template with guidance notes about what Council staff should include on the annual work plan. Click here to download the Annual Work Plan template.
DetailsPresentation topics include: Program Overview, Notice of Award (NoA) and Project Period, Key Program Requirements, Financial Reporting (FFR/SF-425) and Closeout, Cost Allowability, and Grant Management Best Practices. Fiscal Requirements and…
DetailsState Plan Development Briefing (slide deck from 7/2024 presentation), public input mapping, timing, public engagement, deductive approach and resources are featured beginning on page 20. 5-Year Plan Timeline and Tasks…