Annual Work Plan Template with Guidance
Fillable word template with guidance notes about what Council staff should include on the annual work plan. Click here to download the Annual Work Plan template.
DetailsInformation and Technical Assistance Center (ITACC)
Fillable word template with guidance notes about what Council staff should include on the annual work plan. Click here to download the Annual Work Plan template.
DetailsIndivdiual and Family Advocacy measures and Systems change measures with definitions. Full listing to include output, outcome, and suboutcomes measures. Click here to open the Federal Performance Measures document.
DetailsFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DD Councils: Expanding Disabilities Network’s (DD Councils) Access to COVID19 Vaccines (Version 1.0 Date 4/14/21) The Administration for Community Living (ACL) announced a new funding opportunity of…
DetailsPPR Annual Progress Report Narrative Review Tool Rubric QUALITY INDICATOR EXEMPLARY ACCEPTABLE NEEDS IMPROVEMENT MISSING A description that provides introduction/background information for each activity/activities. Provides a clear and…
DetailsOIDD Performance Measures allow the Administration to gather similar data across all DD Council Programs. • Data from DD Councils is used to inform ACL Indicators of Progress used for…
DetailsOVERVIEW: This template incorporates new information being requested as part of the Program Performance Report (PPR) comprehensive reporting. Click to download the PPR template.
DetailsThe Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 Public Law 106-402 (commonly called the DD Act) Title I, Subtitle B talks about the functions of a Council.…
DetailsWhat is systems change? Systems change is about people working together to change policies, programs, and resources. These changes will cause positive and helpful outcomes for people with developmental disabilities…
DetailsIs it a systems change effort? Systemic change activities (as defined in the DD Act Final rule, 2015) are defined as a sustainable, transferable, and replicable change in some aspect…