Council Member Leadership Training
The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 Public Law 106-402 (commonly called the DD Act) Title I, Subtitle B talks about the functions of a Council.…
DetailsInformation and Technical Assistance Center (ITACC)
The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 Public Law 106-402 (commonly called the DD Act) Title I, Subtitle B talks about the functions of a Council.…
DetailsWhat is systems change? Systems change is about people working together to change policies, programs, and resources. These changes will cause positive and helpful outcomes for people with developmental disabilities…
DetailsIs it a systems change effort? Systemic change activities (as defined in the DD Act Final rule, 2015) are defined as a sustainable, transferable, and replicable change in some aspect…
DetailsStrategies for systems change efforts connected to DD Act activities for state plan implementation. The information provided is intended to serve as a guide as additional strategies and activities may…
DetailsPolicy and program changes Policies that affect organizations (for example, state or provider agencies) and operations. Procedures that guide the everyday work of people working in a system and/or parts…
DetailsSamples of OUTCOME SURVEYS for DD Council projects, activities, and initiatives Background: In August of 2021, ITACC staff received a request to collect outcome survey examples from DD Councils as…
DetailsFunding Allocations to States State Allocation Tables: State Councils on Developmental Disabilities (DDC) The following tables show the amount of Federal grant funds, provided to each state, under The Developmental…
DetailsCode of Federal Regulations § 92.42 Retention and access requirements for records.(a) Applicability. (1) This section applies to all financial and programmatic records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other records of grantees…
DetailsClick to visit website for guidance and information memorandums.
Effective leadership does not happen by accident. Leadership is a skill and must be developed. Leadership skills are improved by practice, studying and feedback. Leadership is not a position. Leadership…