Access to Technology-Creating Connections in a Time of Social Distancing
Project Name Access to Technology-Creating Connections in a Time of Social Distancing Areas of Emphasis Quality Assurance and training in self-advocacy, leadership, and self-determination Project/activity year 2021 Population of focus…
DetailsAlternative Dispute Resolution Initiative
Project Name Alternative Dispute Resolution Initiative Type of practice Emerging practice (new, innovative and hold promise) Areas of Emphasis Formal and informal community supports Quality Assurance and training in self-advocacy,…
DetailsBuilding Advocacy in Transition Systems (BATS)
Project Name Building Advocacy in Transition Systems, a newer grant that expanded upon the SC Supported Decision-Making Project, a former grant project that was funded from 2016-2019. Type of practice…
DetailsCivic Participatory Budgeting Project for Youth
Project Name Civic Participatory Budgeting Project Type of practice Promising practice (practice is proven to achieve outcomes) Other successful practice Areas of Emphasis Education and Early Intervention Formal and informal…
DetailsCulturally Responsive Advisory Group
Project Name Culturally Responsive Advisory Group Type of practice Emerging practice (new, innovative and hold promise) Area of Emphasis Formal and informal community supports Project/activity years 2022 2021 Population of…
DetailsEqual Native Youth Voices
Project Name: Equal Native Youth Voices Type of practice Other successful practice Area of Emphasis Quality Assurance and training in self-advocacy, leadership, and self-determination Project/activity year 2020 Population of focus…
DetailsMaking Change II – Employment
Project Name Making Change II Type of practice Promising practice (practice is proven to achieve outcomes) Area of Emphasis Employment Project/activity year(s) 2021 2020 2019 Population(s) of focus People with…
DetailsMy Choice Virginia: Supported Decision-Making for People with Developmental Disabilities
Project Name My Choice Virginia: Supported Decision-Making for People with Developmental Disabilities Funder: Virginia Board for People with Disabilities Grantee: The Arc of Northern Virginia Type of practice Promising practice…