Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Meeting
Effective Strategies for developing Council Annual reports and information dissemination for the public. Register for the 1/25 P2P here
Information and Technical Assistance Center (ITACC)
Effective Strategies for developing Council Annual reports and information dissemination for the public. Register for the 1/25 P2P here
Information and resources to improve messaging, show respect, and reinforce strength-based messaging principles. Register to attend the Equitable Language information meeting
Session 2 will focus on Evaluative Thinking and how thinking with an evaluation mindset can add value to your work. We will also have a case presentation from Maine and…
Sustaining Investments: People and Products. Discussion will focus on post-training engagement strategies for advocates and a problem-solving discussion around product sustainability - what to consider when determining how products like…
Do you have a plan for unexpected staff interruptions? Have you considered how Council program operations will continue if something unexpected occurs? What about Council member leadership? Do you actively…
Session description: Leadership and staff from the Administration for Community Living, Administration on Disabilities, Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities will share information about federal agency initiatives and updates. Institute…
Session description: Attendees will hear about the work and findings to date on home and community-based settings final rule. Council engagement strategies will be explored and highlighted. Institute Registration
Session description: This session features large group presentations and small group discussions. Attendees will hear about five best practices to enhance the capacity of organizations to have self-advocates as effective…
Session description: Attendees will explore inclusive outreach and recruitment strategies, ways to prepare people to effectively serve on the Council, and strategies to engage members in Council work. Institute Registration
Session description: Attendees will hear from Kristin Scroggin, a nationally known researcher and speaker on generational differences. This session will focus on generational preferences on how different generations like to…
Session description: This session provides attendees an opportunity to discuss how Councils can use the information on generational preferences to influence Council projects, self-advocacy efforts, and Council member engagement. Breakout…