Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Meeting
The purpose of this P2P conversation is to share knowledge about how Council staff are using demographic data once it is collected. Guiding questions for our conversation include: 1. How…
CDC Funds to Expand COVID-19 Vaccine Access No Cost Extension request DUE
Dear DD Council Executive Directors: ACL has been authorized to offer a one-time, no-cost extension (NCE) to DD Councils that are recipients of CDC funds to Expand COVID-19 Vaccine Access for…
FY 2021 No Cost Extension Request DUE
Dear DD Council Executive Directors, The performance of period for State Councils on Developmental Disabilities grants the Administration for Community Living (ACL) issued for FFY 2021 will expire on September…
Framework for Assessing Self-advocacy Outcomes
We will review a framework that includes: Criteria for Evaluating Strength of Evidence-based Practice Addressing Individual-level Short-term Outcomes Addressing Individual-level Intermediate Outcomes Addressing Individual-level Long-term Outcomes
Evaluation Capacity Building BUDDIES Project FINDINGS
Individual and Organizational Assessment Findings will be shared. Register to attend!
New Executive Director Orientation
Information, resources, and training to assist people new to the role of Executive Director for a DD Council. Executive Directors will receive meeting links directly, or you can contact
New Executive Director Orientation
Information, resources, and training to assist people new to the role of Executive Director for a DD Council. Executive Directors will receive meeting links directly, or you can contact
Program Performance Report T/TA
Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Diversity, Inclusion, Cultural and Linguistic Competence and Equity Committee
If you are interested in joining this committee or want to hear the discussion, please contact
PPR “TA Office Hours”
Questions and answers related to developing the annual Program Performance report will be addressed. A Zoom link will be provided the week of the meeting through the ITACC listserv. Listed…
PPR “TA Office Hours”
Question and answers about the annual Program Performance Report will be addressed. A Zoom link will be provided the week of the event and shared through the ITACC listserv. Time…
P2P: PPR Review Strategies and Tools
Peer-to-Peer meetings provide you the opportunity to “tap into” the expertise of other DD Council staff. During these meetings, you can ask others to help with challenges, brainstorm solutions to…
PPR “TA Office Hours”
A link will be shared prior to the meeting.
PPR “TA Office Hours”
A link will be shared prior to the meeting.
Webinar: Navigating the ITACC Website
Do you want to know more about what is on the ITACC website and what it has to offer? If so, Navigating the ITACC website informational session is for you.…
PPR “TA Office Hours”
A link will be shared prior to the meeting.
Program Performance Report DUE
Submit your PPR in the Verity system.
BUDDIES Project ECHO Training
Evaluation Capacity Building TA effort. The first session will be an orientation on the Project ECHO model and will highlight what you can expect from the next few years of…
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Meeting
Effective Strategies for developing Council Annual reports and information dissemination for the public. Register for the 1/25 P2P here
Equitable Language: Affirming People through Language
Information and resources to improve messaging, show respect, and reinforce strength-based messaging principles. Register to attend the Equitable Language information meeting
BUDDIES Project ECHO Training – Session 2: Evaluative Thinking
Session 2 will focus on Evaluative Thinking and how thinking with an evaluation mindset can add value to your work. We will also have a case presentation from Maine and…
Peer-to-Peer (P2P): Sustaining investments: People and Products
Sustaining Investments: People and Products. Discussion will focus on post-training engagement strategies for advocates and a problem-solving discussion around product sustainability - what to consider when determining how products like…
Webinar and P2P: Urgent Succession Planning
Do you have a plan for unexpected staff interruptions? Have you considered how Council program operations will continue if something unexpected occurs? What about Council member leadership? Do you actively…
OIDD T/TA Institute: ACL Updates
Session description: Leadership and staff from the Administration for Community Living, Administration on Disabilities, Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities will share information about federal agency initiatives and updates. Institute…
OIDD T/TA Institute: HCBS: Exploring Engagement Strategies
Session description: Attendees will hear about the work and findings to date on home and community-based settings final rule. Council engagement strategies will be explored and highlighted. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: Board Inclusion/Beyond Tokenism
Session description: This session features large group presentations and small group discussions. Attendees will hear about five best practices to enhance the capacity of organizations to have self-advocates as effective…
OIDD T/TA Institute: Recruiting, Equipping, and Engaging Council Members
Session description: Attendees will explore inclusive outreach and recruitment strategies, ways to prepare people to effectively serve on the Council, and strategies to engage members in Council work. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: Leadership for Every Generation
Session description: Attendees will hear from Kristin Scroggin, a nationally known researcher and speaker on generational differences. This session will focus on generational preferences on how different generations like to…
OIDD T/TA Institute: Let’s Talk About It! How generational preferences impact Council projects
Session description: This session provides attendees an opportunity to discuss how Councils can use the information on generational preferences to influence Council projects, self-advocacy efforts, and Council member engagement. Breakout…
OIDD T/TA Institute: Including People and Expanding Access through Accessible Language
Session description: Attendees will explore strategies and learn about resources to inform language access efforts. Institute Registration
OIDD T/TA Institute: Multi-Partner Evaluation Engagement
Session description: Do you want to know more about how to engage multiple partners in your Council evaluation process? If so, this session is for you! Institute Registration